61 Hours (Jack Reacher) is another hair-raising thriller in the acclaimed Jack Reacher series. The protagonist, Jack Reacher, is an ex-military official and a wanderer. He moves from place to place without anything or anyone to call his own. While on his latest journey, the bus that he is travelling in is wrecked in a snowstorm. Jack finds himself stranded in a small town named Bolton, in South Dakota. The town of Bolton houses one of the largest prisons in the country and police resources are stretched too thin. Circumstances beyond control compel Jack to stay put in Bolton for the next few days and he soon finds himself getting involved in the town's problems. There is a stir in town due the impending drug trial of a notorious bike gang leader, who has been charged with drug pedaling. The prime witness in this trial is a brave woman, whose life is now in jeopardy because the drug mafia want to prevent her from testifying in court against the accused. The task of saving her from the deadly clutches of the enemies is assigned to Jack by the police. 61 Hours (Jack Reacher) is an edgy suspense novel. The story follows events that take place in the life of the protagonist over a period of 61 hours. The export ed edition of this book was published by RHUK in 2010 and is available in paperback. Key Features: A major motion picture by the same name, starring Tom Cruise in the role of Jack Reacher, is based on this novel.